понедельник, 23 февраля 2015 г.

Обзор информации о рабочем и профсоюзном движении Мира 2015 г. | Сайт города Белорецк

Бастуют работники Мальдив

Maldives Sheraton workers deliver
Shame on Sheraton message

Union workers dismissed from Sheraton's Maldives luxury resort for demanding union recognition are not allowed on the company's private island - so on February 20 they took to the sea for a boat picket around the resort to say 'Shame on Sheraton'.

Sheraton workers on the island came to the beach to wave their hands in support of the union's fight for rights and recognition. After circling the island, the dismissed union leaders returned to shore and met with workers at the staff ferry jetty to update them on the IUF Shame on Sheraton campaign.

You can support them! If you haven’t yet been able to send a message to Starwood, click here!
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Rampe du Pont-Rouge, 8, CH-1213, Petit-Lancy (Switzerland)

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