понедельник, 15 августа 2016 г.

Поддержим борьбу профсоюза European Transport Workers Federation (ETF)


it's already late summer (in the northern hemisphere) which means many of you are enjoying vacations, cut off from daily routines.

But struggles for workers' rights and social justice continue, and if you have a moment to spare, please add your name to support these:

The European Transport Workers Federation (ETF) has launched a major campaign opposing social and wage dumping in Europe. Only citizens of EU countries can sign this campaign, so Europeans among you -- please check this out:


Meanwhile the IUF campaign demanding an end to vicious union-busting at the Australian brewer Carlton United Breweries, which makes the country's most popular beers, still needs our support. You don't have to be Australian to support this one, so please take a moment to do so if you haven't signed up yet. The campaign is here:


And finally, LabourStart is running 8 campaigns in support of workers in Ecuador, Korea, Malaysia, Turkey, and elsewhere. The full list is here -- please check it out and support any you may have missed:


Thanks very much!


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