воскресенье, 12 февраля 2017 г.

Поддержим профсоюзных активистов в Венгрии, Коста-Рике и Гондурасе

I sent you this message a couple of weeks ago, but I'm not sure you saw it. Более 5,400 человек поддержали протест, спасибо

Four union leaders in Budapest have been sacked and locked out of union offices by their employer.

Четырех профактивистов Венгрии арестовали, а их офисы блокированы правительством
Trade unionists in Hungary have expressed concerns that this may be the beginning of a "a new era of anti-unionism in the country."
What had the union leaders done to prompt such an attack?
During negotiations with their employer, they demanded a fair wage increase and expressed their readiness to resort to strike action if necessary.
Their union has asked us to launch an online campaign, and I'm asking you take a moment to show them your support today:
Meanwhile, in Costa Rica and Honduras, farm workers employed by transnational food giant Fyffes report serious and systematic violations of basic labour rights, including threats, harassment and sacking of union members, blocking collective bargaining processes, failure to pay minimum wages and social insurance, exposing workers to hazardous agrochemicals and sacking pregnant workers. The IUF has launched a global campaign to support these workers --
please click here to show your support.

And please share this message with your friends, family and fellow union members.

Thank you.

Eric Lee

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