вторник, 30 июля 2019 г.

Проявим солидарность с турецкими работягами

The Aliağa Municipality of Izmir, Turkey, is dismissing trade union members without any legal basis.

Turkish workers on the picket line.In addition to dismissals, the newly elected mayor is also forcing workers to resign from their union and to join another one.

Those workers have been affiliated to the DISK/Genel-İş Union for more than twenty years. The number of dismissals recently reached 187 workers.

The workers have been picketing for more than two months.

They demand reinstatement -- and respect for trade union rights and freedoms.

An online campaign in support of that demand has just been launched by Public Services International (PSI), the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU), the Confederation of progressive Trade Unions of Turkey (DISK), and Genel-İş - the Public Services Employees Union of Turkey.

Please take a moment to show your support - click here.

Thank you!

Activist's Toolbox #1: Fastmail

Every month we're going to tell you about software or a service that we use here at LabourStart and that we think is useful for trade unionists like yourself.

This month, we're talking to those of you who use web-based email services, such as Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail, and so on.

You don't pay to use those services for a reason.  The companies who provide them, such as Google, Yahoo and Microsoft, consider you to be an asset -- not a customer.  They are able to use the fact that you use their service in order to sell advertising and to promote their own products.

There are also serious concerns about privacy when you give these giant corporations the right to host all your emails, even the most private ones.

For many years now, LabourStart has relied upon Fastmail as our web-based email provider.

Because we pay a small amount every month to use it, we are a customer, not an asset.

And our privacy is protected.

That's why we're recommending it to you - and FastMail is offering a 30 day free trial.

To learn more about Fastmail, click here.

Thank you -- and please share this message with your friends, family and fellow union members.

Eric Lee

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