Myanmar: Stop union-busting at the Hotel Tharabar Gate
Three years ago, workers at Myanmar's Hotel Tharabar Gate tried to form a trade union. Management responded by sacking the union's leader. Following protests, the hotel reinstated the union chairman. Unfortunately, the story did not end there.
On 24 August this year, the hotel's management again sacked the union leader along with 11 other workers.
Management claimed that the reason for the dismissals was a downturn in occupancy. However, at a meeting with management the previous day, the union had declared itself willing to negotiate alternative work arrangements which would also safeguard employment. The management response was to target union officers and activists for dismissal, violating their rights and the rights of all union members.
Bolstered by Myanmar's weak legal framework for protecting rights, management continues to reject calls for reinstatement of the 12 unfairly dismissed workers, despite a vigorous series of public protests organized by the workers.
The International Union of Foodworkers (IUF) has launched a global online campaign calling on the hotel management to reinstate the 12 unfairly dismissed workers; offer full recognition of the rights and role of the union chairperson and executive committee members; and begin good faith negotiations with the union.
Please take a moment to show your support for these workers - click here. Найди минуту и поддержи, кликнув сюда:
And please share this message with your friends, family and fellow union members.
Thank you.
Eric Lee
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