суббота, 4 мая 2019 г.
5 may — the birthday of Karl Heinrich Marx
The teachings of Marx about the emancipation of the working class, and with it, and all mankind from the yoke of Capital is perverted Russian Marxist-Leninist
(Quotations from the works of the founders of scientific socialism, some figures of the public life of the country and their interpretation that came to my mind during perestroika in 1987-1989 G. G.)
To the 91st anniversary of the Great October revolution
"Ignorance has a diabolical force and can cause many troubles"
"There is no worse crime than a refusal to fight when the fight is still possible".
"Between capitalist and Communist society lies the period of revolutionary transformation of the former into the latter. This period corresponds and political transition, and the state of this period can be nothing else but the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat". K. MARX, "Critique of the Gotha program"
"Dictatorship of the proletariat– as I had more than once to specify, among other things, and in a speech on March 12 at a meeting of the Petrograd Soviet Union is not only violence against the exploiters, and not even mainly the violence. The economic basis of this revolutionary violence, the key to it* the vitality and success, is that the proletariat represents and carries a higher type of social organization of labor as compared with capitalism. That's the point. This is the source of power and the inevitable collateral complete victory of communism...Kommunisticheskiyth organization of social labor (to which the first step is socialism)**, and kept more and more will stay on the free and conscious discipline of the workers overthrew the yoke, as landlords and capitalists.
This new discipline is not falls from the sky and not from pious wishes is born, it grows from the material conditions of large capitalist production, only one of them". LENIN, "a Great beginning", MSS vol. 39, pp. 1-29, M. Politizdat-1964.
* According to the logic of the narrative, the proposal that ought to be just: "the Economic basis of this revolutionary dictatorship, the key to its vitality and success...".
**The phrase, taken by me in brackets, is an obvious stand editors. For socialism, as the first stage of communism, differs from it in not a public organization of labor and, therefore, industrial relations, but only the level of development of productive forces of society. According to the logic of the narrative, this phrase can sound just like this: "the Communist organization of social labor, which can and should submit and implement the working class, and kept more and more..."
"And so to the extent that labour is no longer to deliver satisfaction, is becoming more and more repulsive – the same degree of competition increases and wage decreases....The more expanded the division of labour and use of machinery, the more intensified competition between the workers, the more reduced their wages". K. MARX, "Wage labour and capital" M. Politizdat, 1988
"The condition of existence of capital is wage labor. Wage labor rests exclusively on competition of workers among themselves" * K. MARX and F. ENGELS "the Communist Manifesto" brochure, p. 38, M. Politizdat, 1988
*Here is the obvious stand the word "capital" instead of the word "capitalism"or the word "existence" instead of the word "domination". For a capital, or profit – the purpose of all production, because without capital accumulation impossible expanded reproduction of society any formation. The competition of the workers among themselves relegates them to the status of farm laborers – blind guns squeezing themselves from this capital. The competition of the workers among themselves is the condition of the domination of capital over labour and, therefore, the condition of existence of capitalism.
"How can we take the economic theory of Marx, with its final conclusion about the revolutionary role of the proletariat, as the organizer of communism through capitalism, when we want to look for ways to communism along with capitalism created the proletariat?".
V. I. LENIN, What the "friends of the people"...", IP V. 1, p. 154, M. Politizdat, 1987
"Yes, Marxists believe capitalism by large progressive phenomenon – not because he's "independence" replaces the dependence, but because it creates the conditions for the destruction of any lack of independence". V. I. LENIN, "the Economic strategy of populism", IP, vol. 1, pp. 234, Politizdat,1987
"The significance of critical-utopian socialism and communism stands in inverse relation to historical development. As it develops and takes shape the class struggle, this is a fantastic aspiration to rise above it. This is overcome by her fantastic loses all practical value and all theoretical justification. Therefore, if the founders of these systems were, in many respects, revolutionary, their disciples always form a reactionary sects. They constantly fall into the category described above reactionary or conservative socialists, differing from these only by more systematic pedantry, and a fanatical belief in the miraculous power of their social science. That's why they bitterly oppose any political movement of the workers, caused, in their opinion, only by blind unbelief in the new gospel"* K. MARX, F. ENGELS "the Communist Manifesto". Critical-utopian socialism and communism.
*More accurate description of Russian socialism, communism, no one will!
"The Guild organization of industry and Patriarchal agriculture – this is his last word. In its further development the direction this resulted in a cowardly "grumbling"* K. MARX, F. ENGELS "the Communist Manifesto". Petty-bourgeois socialism.
* "The Guild organization of industry: country plant - USSR. "Patriarchal agriculture: rural community, the farm – the kibbutz. This is the last word of Russian (Soviet) socialism, communism, theorists are the Bund and the friends of the people". And according to our historical trauma, "grumbling" it is with bloody foam!
"Nations, like the woman, is not forgiven the minute oversights, when the first counter adventurer can do for her violence." K. MARX. "the 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte".
"People make their own history, but they do not, as they please, under the circumstances which they themselves choose, and which are directly evident, given to them and moved on from the past. The tradition of all dead generations gravitate, like a nightmare, over the minds of the living....So Luther was changed by the Apostle Paul". K. MARX. "the 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte"
"...The worthlessness of the government finds its justification and explanation in the worthlessness of the respective subjects..." Friedrich Engels, "Ludwig Feuerbach and end of classical German philosophy".
"Deciding to step Stalinist limits, we have to give a sober report: "perestupaya" administrative system picks not to release the society from the hands, and in order to capture stronger in his arms. To pull out of these arms of the society with the help of a real, current restructuring – no one can but us". AFANASIEV, VICTORIA. "Heroes of the 37th". Gas. Komsomolskaya ;Pravda, 21.08.1988.
"In reality, the only absolute guarantee against the restoration is socialist revolution in the West. Relative same warranty is carrying out the revolution to the end, the most radical destruction of old, the greatest degree of democracy (Republic) in politics and opening the way for capitalism in the economy". V. I. LENIN, "the agrarian programme of social-democracy in the Russian revolution". Spores of Lenin, Plekhanov, which is a greater guarantee against the restoration of absolute monarchy. IP, vol. 5, p. 82. M. Politizdat , 1987.
"But for their ultimate victory, they (the workers, the author) choose more will make those that understand their class interests, is as soon as possible their own party's position and not for an instant did not succumb to the fact that the democratic petty bourgeois his hypocritical phrases averted them from the path of self-organization of the proletariat. Their battle slogan should read "continuous revolution". K. MARX and F. ENGELS "the Appeal of the Central Committee to the Communist League", IE, vol. 1, p. 192, M. Politizdat. 1985.
The emancipation of the working class – the handiwork of the working class. His rock-hard cent – best share in the income of the company (enterprise, site, workshops) for a long enough period of time with the legislative consolidation of the collective agreement with the administration – that his clear task!
(Perestroika and economic reform party bureaucracy 1987-1989 , in the context of quotations from the works of the classics of the economic teachings of Marx)
"This idea about customer care at credit of national economy,i.e. economy of small producers with cash of capitalist relations (and the cash they can not, as we have seen to deny the "friends of the people") – this senseless idea of showing a lack of understanding of the truisms of theoretical political economy, with full visualization shows the vulgarity of the theory of these gentlemen trying to sit between two chairs" V. I. LENIN "What is "friends of the people"...." IP, vol. 1, p. 102, M. Politizdat, 1987.
"The nationalization of land and its transfer in small plots to individuals or associations of workers, when the power is in the hands of the bourgeoisie (bureaucrat – petty bourgeois, the author) would only ruthless competition between them and as a result would lead to the increasing growth of rents, and this in turn has brought new benefits to the landowners living on the producers" *K. MARX. "Nationalization of the land", IE, vol. 2, p. 313, M. Politizdat, 1987
*The state apparatus of violence and coercion, the violence is the largest landowner. The increasing growth of the annuity, which provides a living for the entire state bureaucracy truth behind started economic reforms!
"Not true, whether administrative genius! What touching simplicity and ease introduced capitalism in people's lives, and eliminated its pernicious quality! You only need to arrange that through the rural society, the rich bought the shares and received the income from the enterprise where they worked would be "part of the population" provided in connection with the earth, like this, which makes it impossible to live with the land (who otherwise would have gone to work for ordinary wages? (referring to the plant or factory, author)); but sufficient to bind the man to the place, to enslave its local capitalist enterprise and to take the opportunity to change one master for another. I'm talking about the owner, the capitalist with complete authority, because he who pays the worker's wages, can not be called otherwise". V. I. LENIN, What the "friends of the people"...", IP, vol. 1, p. 104, M. Politizdat, 1987
"Socialite Mr. Duhring in fact very different from "vague notions of other socialists. He had no other purpose, in addition to the revival of the great financiers; under their control for their wallets and the municipality will be dedicated to pace yourself work – if it ever arises, and will continue to exist (there was and still exists, the author.). Only for her salvation could be just what collectors treasure (we have "thieves in law", the author) would prefer, perhaps, with the help of his world money undaunted...to escape from the commune" ENGELS "Anti-during". Socialism. Distribution. S. 309, M. Politizdat, 1988.
"The means of production and the production of essentially became public, but they are subject to a form of appropriation, which is its prerequisite is private production of individual producers, when every one, therefore, is the owner of the product of labour and makes it to market. The method of production is subject to this form of appropriation, despite the fact that destroys his premise. In this contradiction, which gives to the new mode of production its capitalistic character, already contains in embryo all the conflicts of the present. And the more complete is the domination of a new method of production in all the crucial areas of production and in all economically dominant countries, thereby reducing the production of individual producers to insignificant balances, the sharper must be the incompatibility of social production and the capitalist appropriation"*F. ENGELS, Anti-during", pp. 274-275, M. Politizdat, 1988.
*The last phrase is another tautological stand, slips people "friends of the people". Really, what is this "new", i.e. the capitalist mode of production, with the "capitalist" same "assignment"?
When the dominance of small-scale production was carried out individual production and individual (smallholder) assignment. Capitalism expropriated, or socializes the means of production of these small producers - such is the immutable law of competition, but the allocation in the power of a thousand year old habit remains the same - smallholder. Hence, all of the collision of modernity in the social character of production and smallholder form of appropriation. This is the fundamental contradiction of the capitalist mode of production in our "socialite", due to the domination of the "iron law of wages, is not only not resolved, but instead escalated. Social character of production came in flagrant contradiction with smallholder form of appropriation. However, instead of the form of the appropriation to be brought into conformity to the character of social production, our neo - bureaucracy led his people on the path of "reform of the political system of socialism" on the way "combination of forms of ownership". Vulgar theory of the "friends of the people" come to life!
"Socialism is public ownership of the means of production plus the control of the economy working ruble...Economy of socialism is regulated through the revenue income of the working class through its rigid norms of wages. The smaller and drobney this norm, the more chaos and anarchy in production..."
V. I. LENIN. "About accounting". Dictated between 2.03.1923 on 21.01.1924 G., unpublished.
Our Philistines, the scribes and the Pharisees emasculated this definition, leaving bare "workers ' control" - working administration as the highest point of his sociality. Legislated dictatorship system of small norms in wages and salaries is a legal platform petty in the economy. The iron law of wages LaSalle, which is the result of misanthropic theory of Malthus On population, and is the proverbial "braking mechanism", which stopped the engine of socialism in the USSR, and is the scourge with which the bureaucracy drives society into the Procrustean bed of Petit bourgeois capitalist relations. To break this mechanism, at the same time the mechanism of income distribution of a society in the hands of the bureaucracy – the task of the working class and honest intellectuals. It can be done only in the struggle for "a higher type of social organization of labor as compared with capitalism," in which differences are erased, as in the ways and the sizes of obtaining "certain percentage" of income of the society created by the hands of workers - that is, for the Communist organization of social labor. And this requires free and independent trade unions, which should play the role of an independent political party of the working class. About necessity of creation of strike funds and the administration of trade unions says the work of V. I. LENIN, "ON the role and tasks of trade unions in the conditions of NEP" (capital, volume 44, Politizdat, 1964)
Bureaucracy, capitalizing on the work "On cooperation", wants to present LENIN as some sort of renegade who betrayed the working class and socialism, renounced the idea of the "dictatorship of the proletariat". LENIN was crucified on the cross of petty-bourgeois philosophy. From the leader of the proletariat turned into Quaker NEP-men and speculators. Just think, candidate of historical Sciences E. Ambartsumov in the article "Reviving Lenin values of socialism" calls to revive the philosophy, "proceeding of the paramount importance of economic interests of independent producers"!?. ("Problems of peace and socialism", journal No. 5, p. 66, M. 1988) to revive her, when this bourgeois philosophy has long permeated every pore of social life in the USSR?!
Officially announced his supposedly complete physical helplessness that followed 2.03.1923 year. (Is, vol. 10, M. Politizdat 1987). Vladlen G. Sirotkin, doctor of historical Sciences, in spite of his dressing-opportunism, all helped to make a dent in Frank pledge of silence bureaucracy of the last period of life of the leader of the proletariat. In the TV program "Before and after midnight" from 25.03. on 26.03.89. this scientist looking at some archival paper, said: «We are in thrall to stereotypes of the period. In the autumn of 1923 he felt much better and asked for paper and pen»
There is no doubt that LENIN's last breath fought for the working class and socialism. In the period between 2.03.1923 and 21.01.1924 G. he wrote or dictated a key work that reveals the essence of socialism, self-financing and cooperation.
CDO = UP – Z(THE DEO), where CDO – net income of the society, without it is not possible expanded development of any society. UP - the total income of the company for a certain period of time (say, five years), in other words, the revenue from sales produced by the products of labor; Z(THE DEO) – the amount of income of the cells of society.
Z(THE DEO) = ZН.W. X UP where ZН.W. – the sum of the norms of wages (income) of cells of the company; X the sign of multiplication; Hence,
CDO = UP – UP X ZН.W. = UP (1 – ZН .W).
CDO = UP (1 – ZН.W.) The increase in net income of society is possible only under the condition of constant descending ZН.W from 1, which in turn is possible when the rate of growth of labor productivity will outpace the growth rate of wages (income) in the society as ZН.W. = Z(THE DEO) : UP
How to interest of society to increase productivity, if she has, objectively, will decline ZН.W.? You need to give the solid unit of society ZН.W. for a long enough period of time (say five years) to make it through the full increase productivity to create your net income and send it on its development. But this is still not enough for the growth of CDO. The bureaucracy, the worst enemy of the working class and socialism, - gets in the way of social progress. She does everything to increase their economic base, i.e., ZН.W. by reducing the rate of growth of labor productivity, in fact - due to the rising costs of social production, causing inflation in the country.
Inflation – the work of the bureaucracy. Moral degenerates of humanity, incompetent, and unwilling to provide good governance, and managers of economic interests lead to a split in society and selfishness million. How to resist this monstrous pretensions of bureaucracy?
You need to give the working class its own solid rate of wages for a long enough period of time so that it is by fully increasing labor productivity to create your Net Income and send it on its development. Robust rate of wages of the working class, his strong interest in the income of the society is the key to uncovering all the possibilities of socialism. Tears of the bureaucracy about the shortage of manpower is her crocodile tears. Give the working class its solid rate of wages, and he will take care of its quantitative and qualitative growth! Class, deprived of their income, is doomed to degradation, but no society can develop without providing an opportunity to its productive class to get their own income.
Cooperation of the people according to professional needs, leading its operations on a self-supporting basis based on public ownership of the means of production, with the strong norm of wages of the productive class is a single cooperative workers
Is onslaught of bureaucracy on the position of the working class and socialism. It invented the economic Charter of the working class. The working class is thrown on the altar of history, and has long been smoked incense easy victory over him. Bureaucracy will hit the working class alone and in small groups. Each of his new attacks on the working class, the bureaucracy will be preceded by what will give him his preening and powdered Economic Charter. The agony of the society will be long, and the bureaucracy will not stop in front of the monstrous profanation of history. It will be revenge world bureaucracy to the working class of Russia, which for the first time in the history of mankind has gained political power with the weapon in his hands.
The strike was the true organizer of production. Go slender columns against the impending "iron heel" of the bureaucracy. Ruthlessly punish drunkards, thieves and hooligans – these secret provocateurs bureaucracy. Your strength is in unity and conscious discipline", isso far from the 20-ies of the 20th century, the leader of the proletariat calls upon the workers of our time. He died with the"Love of life"*, with love for the working class – the basis of modern human society. (* Before death, occurred as a result of the gradual poisoning poisonous mushrooms, LENIN asked KRUPSKAYA to read her the story of Jack London's "Love of life", author)
"Especially impressive is a reactionary institution that paid relatively little attention to our revolutionaries, is a domestic bureaucracy, which de facto ruled by the Russian government. Replenished mainly from the commoners, this bureaucracy is the source of its origin, and purpose, and the nature of its activities deeply bourgeois. But absolutism and enormous political privileges of the noble landlords had given her a particularly bad quality. It is the ongoing weather vane, believing its highest task in the combination of the interests of the landowner and bourgeois. This is Judas, who uses his feudal sympathies and connections to inflate the workers and peasants, spending under the guise of protection "economically weak" and "guardianship" over them to protect from the fist and the lender, such events, which relegates workers to "sneaky mobile", giving them the head landlord landlord advocating serfdom and making even more helpless against the bourgeois. This is the most dangerous hypocrite who experienced Western European masters of the reaction and skillfully hides his Arakcheyev lust under Fig leaves narodowych phrases" V. I. LENIN "What is "friends of the people"...." IP, vol. 1, pp. 151,152, M. Politizdat, 1987
The introduction of fees in the national budget by enterprises for each worker and, especially, for each nonresident propisyvayutsya in the area, - is nothing other than the introduction of "civilized" slavery in the USSR. Suspension group gdlyana-Ivanov from doing "Uzbek case" is a signal zag "right" the whole of our Soviet society. The symbiosis of organised crime with the highest bureaucracy starts hounding honest intellectuals.
"In the trusts of free competition into monopoly. Unplanned production of capitalistic society capitulates to the planned production of the coming socialist society, though initially only for the benefit and for the benefit of capitalists. But in their very form, the operation becomes so tangible that has to fall. No people would not long tolerate the production, directed by trusts with their blatant exploitation of society by a small gang of people living clipping coupons.
State ownership of the productive forces does not solve the conflict, but it contains within itself the formal means, the possibility of its resolution. This permission can consist only in the fact that the social nature of modern productive forces will be considered on a case and that consequently the mode of production, appropriation and exchange will be aligned with the social character of the means of production. And this can happen only in this way that society openly and without resorting to any devious paths will take possession of the productive forces, followed by any other method of managing, in addition to public" F. ENGELS "the Development of socialism from utopia to science". K. MARX and F. ENGELS, SP, V. 3, p. 158 to 160, M. Politizdat, 1985.
"But labour is the Creator of all values. He alone gives the subjects found us in nature, the cost in the economic sense. We talk about the cost of labor and to attempt to define it – it's like that talking about the cost of the cost or try to determine the weight of any heavy body, and gravity itself. Let the reader now judge himself insolence with which Mr. slips during Marx with the claim that the working time of one person by itself has more value than the work time of another, and therefore, labor has value. Let the reader judge himself about audacity, which is attributed to Marx, who first showed that labor cannot have value, and why can't have her.
For socialism, which wants to free human labor from the product, it is important to understand that labor has no value and cannot have it. With this understanding, losing ground all attempts to regulate the future allocation of existence as a kind of higher form of wages – attempts that have fallen to the Lord During inherited from the natural working of socialism.
Hence, as a further conclusion follows that the distribution, since it is driven by purely economic considerations, will be governed by the interests of production. The development of production stimulated in the method of distribution which allows all members of society, as more fully to develop, maintain and demonstrate their abilities"ENGELS "Anti-during", pp. 201-202, M. Politizdat, 1988.
"Article 1. Labor produces; article 2. Violence distributes. This, saying "the human and the German language", and settle all economic wisdom of Mr. Duhring". F. ENGELS. "Anti-during", pp. 212,213. M. Politizdat, 1988.
In the economy of the USSR dominated by two equivalent thesis For equal work – equal pay" and "From each according to his abilities – to each according to his work". In practice this resulted in the imposition of workers; their Economic Constitution: a work - batrani system of remuneration of labour per unit of product, and working intelligentsia", i.e. the rest of migrant timesharing system of fixed salaries. It is around this axis "derengowski" schematics of the world and our society is moving in a vicious circle from one of the "free" state to the "new free" state. Changes and additions in the Constitution of the USSR in articles 125, 152, made at an extraordinary session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from 01.12.1988 and the selection of an investigative unit in a separate structure not under the control of local authorities" (the report of Mikhail Gorbachev on 19 MIC) prepares "new free" the state legally. "Special powers to the President", "the Cheka for the economy" - the requirements of economists and mercantilists.
2nd Congress of people's deputies of the USSR actually gave these powers by voting for the draft "On the instructions of the Supreme Council of the USSR and of the Constitutional Commission on some constitutional issues." 3rd Congress of people's deputies of the USSR marked the beginning of a "new" era of bureaucratic absolutism, cool mixed with the great Russian communal chauvinism.
Production relations are not relations in production, as explains to us the media propaganda bureaucracy. This is the relationship of classes, i.e. social groups over the property. This problem always rested in two questions, namely: 1. The question of socialization; 2. The issue of distribution. Both issues are organizational.
The first question in the USSR, decided in October 1917, the armed proletariat under the leadership of Lenin guard of the Bolsheviks. The property has been legally socialized, that is, was the nationalization of the economy. The actual socialization of property occurred with the development of large-scale industrial production.
The second question is solved by the organization of social labor. This organization happens to be of the following forms: 1. Feudal holding to the discipline of the stick; 2. Capitalist sustained by the discipline of hunger; 3. The Communist (socialist), which "holds and more will stay on the free and conscious discipline of the workers overthrew the yoke, as landlords and capitalists".
The Communist organization of social labor is that classes and social strata involved in the production and distribution of income of the society, fighting each for his solid percent of income, by working together for their own benefit within their work unit of society. Any interference by the state machinery of violence - in this distribution in the form of the introduction of any "laws wage", whatever that good intentions were not made, it is one of those "good intentions" that paved the road to hell. Free associations of free producers without parasitic layers of middlemen – this is the Communist organization of social labor, which can and should submit and implement the working class.
"Having conquered political power, the proletariat does not cease its class struggle, and continues – until destruction (elimination, author)classes – but, of course, in another context, in another form, by other means"LENIN, "a Great beginning", MSS, vol. 39, pp. 1-29, M. Politizdat, 1964.
Lenin's thesis of the "aggravation of class struggle of the proletariat to build socialism", struggle in social and economic spheres, the struggle for its solid percentage (best share) in the company's revenues – was used by the bureaucracy to destroy their political opponents and served as a justification for the mass murder of ordinary people during the so-called Stalinism. All ideas aimed at improving the lives of the working class, the bureaucracy used for even more oppression!
"Reform of the political system of socialism is, first of all, the change of property relations concerning the 1st question of this problem, i.e. the actual denationalization of the economy. With the introduction of joint stock companies 100 thousand underground millionaires ("collectors treasures") become actual owners of the "socialist" economy of the USSR. The add-in in the form of a bourgeois Parliament with absolute power of the party oligarchy in it – permanently attached to the Soviet political system in the form of a constitutional monarchy. And this is the ultimate dream of all the social – revolutionaries, i.e. populists.
"Under the Narodnik we rozumiem paradigm comprises three features: the Recognition of capitalism in Russia the decline, regression. Hence the desire and wishes of "delay", "stop", "stop" break the capitalism of the ancient traditions, etc. of the reaction screams.
2.The recognition of the identity of the Russian economic system in General and the peasant with his community, team, etc. in particular. Russian economic relations do not consider it necessary to apply the developed modern science, the concepts of the various social classes and their conflicts.
3. Linkage blindness "intelligentsia" and the legal and political institutions of the country with material interests of certain social classes".*
V. I. LENIN, "what is the inheritance we refuse?". IP, vol. 1, pp. 445, M. Politizdat, 1987
* In fact, it is proved that the Communist party is the party of social revolutionaries and the Bund.
"Thus, the success in the development of material-technical foundations of social life, the growth rate of the 30-ies, in a certain sense, cannot be separated from the mass repressions and then lawlessness".A. P. BUTENKO, doctor of philosophy. "The braking mechanism, its essence and ways of their elimination", journal "the working class and the modern world", №2, 1988
Current philosophers of fact, these executors neo - bureaucracy, has long issued a pardon to the former, and at the same time and the future, the executioners of the people.
"Speaking about the peculiarities of modern liberalism, nor to pay attention to the friendly defamation of class values, indeed encouraged our liberal media! Such update of the ideological Arsenal of socialism" (a sentiment a variety of doctor of philosophy") is fraught with "upgrading" the composition of the population. Physical destruction by social class or birth sign (noble, peasant, Cossack, etc.) began with "fundamental" slighting the class of all values assigned to the destruction of classes" GLUSHKOVA T. "ABOUT "Russianness", about happiness, about "freedom"". The magazine "Our contemporary", №9, p. 163, 1989
"But who will be the Supreme judge in the philosophy of reality? We must assume that this issue will be resolved as he settled in practice in Christianity, where the pious sheep take yourself – and not without success – the role of Supreme judge over their worldly neighbors – "the goats". A sect of philosophers of reality, if it ever arises, probably, will not yield in this respect, "the quietest hypocrites"F. ENGELS. "Anti-During". Philosophy, morality and law. M. Politizdat, 1988, p. 98.
The Bund and the Friends of the people" showed a perfect example of this during the so-called Stalinism, creating a "special meeting", the NKVD and the GULAG signing all people that would not fit under my rankings, in "enemies of the people". The same thing this cult (and the fact that we are under its fifth, say political-economic framework prevailing in the country) wants to do with his people and at the end of the 20th century. The Soviet people, as expressed as General Secretary of the CPSU Mikhail Gorbachev is a guest of perestroika, the Soviet people "has earned such a political system in which will be the mode of the rule of law and the authority of the government".
During what these doctors and candidates of historical, philosophical, legal, and other Humanities - with amazing persistence pushing the Russian society under the heel of a medieval dictatorship.
"Truth and error, like all logical categories, moving in opposite directions, are of absolute significance only within an extremely limited area. As soon as we begin to apply the opposite of truth and error is outside the bounds above this narrow area, so that the opposite becomes relative and, therefore, unusable for accurate scientific method of expression. And if we try to apply this contrast to outside the boundaries of the specified area as an absolute, we quite fail: both poles of opposites will turn each into its opposite, that is, the truth would be confusion, delusion – true" ENGELS "Anti-during". Morality and law. M. Politizdat, 1988, p. 88.
A favorite pastime of Duringof past and present is to apply the laws of nature in absolute value outside the bounds of the "narrow areas" where these laws are supposed to work. The application of the laws of small commodity production (and in the USSR, among other things, dominated by vulgar opinion of Malthus on the surplus value as "gain on disposal": "the variation of prices of goods – a favorite pastime of our mercantilist) in absolute value in public (socialized) ownership of the means of production socialism turns in its absolute opposite. It is noteworthy that the position of MARX on the class struggle as the driving force of social progress, Soviet neo bureaucracy trying to discredit, citing as a negative example of the language used by the author of "Mein Kampff". That is, the speculative method by which Adolf Hitler justified the killing of millions of innocent people, shifting the position of MARX on competition social groups in absolute value from the field of socio-economic relations of the 20th century in the area of the fighting races of the era of barbarism. So peculiar 20.04.1989 years on the TV program "TIME" Soviet neo bureaucracy lips V. Molchanov noted the 100th anniversary of his idol.
Is the final stage of the onslaught of bureaucracy on the position of the working class and socialism. The working class is thrown on the altar of history, and has long been smoked incense easy victory over him. The proletariat of Russia, brought to the position of pauperism, is the weakest link in the global labor movement. At him and aimed the brunt of the Alliance tops world bureaucracy, detachment of the shock which is a Soviet neo bureaucracy. The purpose of bureaucracy is to establish "a regime of the rule of law and the authority of the government". In response, the working class consolidates its power. In some countries it has achieved significant success. The Russian proletariat have nothing to do but follow the example of their brothers from Poland and Hungary, otherwise it will be relegated to the status of "Chinese coolies". It must be remembered that slaves at all times accustomed to drinking and prostitutional to make them easier to manage. Support the same "authority" is always SNEAK carriers of the bacilli of FEAR and ENVY, the moral foundations of the existence of slavery.
Society, not finding the strength to move from smallholder form of appropriation to the public, will be crushed by the petty-bourgeois element. Petty-bourgeois element of antiquity destroyed the ancient civilization – ancient Rome. Petty-bourgeois element of modernity will destroy the handiwork of working class socialism, and not only in Russia.
Ian RADIUM. 1987-1989 city of Beloretsk.
P. S.
This is in many ways, an eclectic work in the form of collection of excerpts from some works of classics of Marxism and articles published in some mass media of the USSR. Carried it at the time and under the influence of so-called perestroika. At the time I wrote with a pen on the fields of the Lenin pamphlets which were sold in bookstores. It was a time of Renaissance of Lenin's ideas, of course, a temporary Renaissance, what you might guess. I sent about thirteen or fifteen (if not more) thus, written brochures at various locations, mostly in editions of well-known media. It was, of course, insane. I sent and some other articles, is devoted to the reconstruction. Thus, attracted the attention of some famous sociologists, in particular, spouses Rakitsky. They have been invited to participate in the independent labor movement. Again, a dip in these turbulent waves, still unable to swim. Of course, many ideas have undergone a certain transformation. Requires a separate and more detailed explanation of concepts such as CDO (net income of the company) and robust rate of wages of the working class. It must be remembered that the formula for the growth CDO is an abstract expression that shows the trend, movement that is changing the property relations. The concept of CDO and Norms of wages to be linked to the concepts of the theory and formulas of value, theory of surplus value and wages.
However, the main idea that the world bureaucracy wants to rise above the head of his workers "iron heel" remains in force. Talking about this trend in the political life of modern Russia. The Zionist lobby at the highest levels of the government of Russia will push through the State Duma of the Russian Federation law On the inadmissibility of discrediting the government", and make a number of significant amendments to the present Constitution of the Russian Federation, which abruptly change the political regime of the country with today's bourgeois-demokraticheskojon down for some totalitarian-burocraciesth device of the religious-Zionist persuasion. Judging by the balance of political forces in the country and World situation, this political Scam will have a great success.
Yes, judging by the information we receive from the media, the political environment is heating up in the World. In an atmosphere densely smells conspiracy ultra-conservative evolutionary forces against the democratic path of development of mankind. Adherents of the theory of Malthus and faith in Jehovah God in a hurry to start another World War with the aim to radically reduce the population of the Earth, and the wreckage of humanity to build a Great Empire, one Emperor and one God for all survivors. Maybe someone will say that Israel in 2006, has waged war against the Arabs, taking advantage of the tragicomic? It will be only a small part of the truth. War is the continuation of the economic policy by military means. Who lives at the expense of speculation on the exchanges, he ordered the massacre. The war in Lebanon is just unfortunate for the Zionists experience. They're going to school. But they are skilled pupils....Russia set against China. The functionaries Radzinskii and other artists of the former Soviet Estrada predict a quick war with a great nation. The war in the Caucasus is only a prelude to the war of the Gods. This will be the crowning effort of a new generation of Bund and the "friends of the people": the economy mobilization, mobilization type of socio-economic system in Russia of the 21st century – it's the ultimate fantasy of the priests of Pharaoh's system at all! But how many will die in the bloody abyss "enemies of God's people", huh?! What adrenaline is boiling at the thought of the blood of natives of the blessed valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates!
Another question is how to resist. Unfortunately, today it is quite clear that the working class of Russia cannot solve this global historic task. In fact, the working class in Russia does not exist in the political sense of the word. At the beginning of the 21st century is only its formation. Who will take on a political role for the consolidation of forces of the Russian proletariat?
As you know, the party re headed by Gorbachev resulted in his collapse, as a political figure of great power, the collapse of the USSR and the CPSU. However, the bureaucratic machine of this great power, no matter what, continues its dimensional "iron" status. Russian sect of philosophers of reality show the real world "gruel"!
Yan RADIY. 04.05.2007 - 17.10.08 Beloretsk.
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