четверг, 28 июля 2016 г.

Поддержим фото-журналистов агенства AFP !


Hi. I sent you this email last week, but I'm not sure you saw it. This is an important struggle and deserves all our support. Thanks! - Eric

In times like these we rely upon journalists -- including photographers -- to keep us informed about fast-breaking events like the terrorist attack in Nice or the coup attempt in Turkey. We know that journalists often risk their lives to bring us these stories. [*]

According to the International Federation of Journalists, French-owned multinational media group Agence France Presse (AFP). is imposing rights-grabbing new contracts on freelance photographers working in a number of countries outside of France, where photographers benefit from being covered by a collective agreement.

The company aims to take away photographers' copyright in return for no additional payment. The contract requires photographers to sign a global, irrevocable, perpetual licence to allow the company to use their photos and videos on any medium, in any language, in any form including in any future products. This is completely unacceptable.

Please help us support the IFJ campaign by sending a loud and clear message to AFP:


And please share this message with your friends, family and fellow union members.

Thank you!

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